Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Test Blog

This is basically my test blog, just to see if this whole thing works. The countdown has begun- less than one week to take-off. I am excited because I got an email today from Laura. Laura is the Pilot Club International’s Anchor Club coordinator. She sent me the email address of a lady named Kiku, who is the Japanese Translator for Pilot International. She lives in Osaka, and I will be in Osaka on October 24th. I also have a free evening that night, so I emailed her and asked her if she would like to get together. Pretty cool, I’m not even there yet, and I’m making friends. :)


Anonymous said...

OK. So there is a hitch in the works. I can't seem to log into my blog from China!!!!! Oh my gosh. Of course it doesn't help that I have been up for 28 1/2 hours at this point, 17+ of that on a plane, and am dead dog tired! I ran all over this hotel looking for a wireless connection (there was one) and had to call the front desk looking for someone who spoke English. So... three employees later I got the internet working, but not the blog. :(

I'm giving up and going to bed!

Anonymous said...

Abby - I am following your blog. The food looks INTERESTING!! I hope you can find enough to eat. Take care. MOM

Anonymous said...

I remember the Jade Buddah temple so well. Just as you described it. That's where I got my calligraphy which was done by a very "famous" calligrapher (I know this because he told me so, but he also had lots of newspaper clippings with photos of him in them).
I hope that you can find something to eat that you can enjoy. Peking duck? I liked it.

I am envious, would love to be there, so enjoy it for both of us!

The day went well, I will be back on track by tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

OOPS, I think that I mis-spelled Buddha

Anonymous said...

dear miss lamb this lady is trippen i dont know what her problem is my acount never set up ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should hurry up and get back because mrs.kidwell is getting on everybodys nerves!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should bring back the class some music from china.

I'm talking straight up bought a cd in a store in a language you don't know from a man you've never seen before with a cd made in a place you've never heard of.


That, and maybe some man bags. Jesus is right, this sub is trippin.

Anonymous said...

What an adventure you must be having! I'm terribly sorry that bargaining is so terrible, but I wish you luck. Enjoy those fish heads :] We all miss you tons!

Anonymous said...

So goes the epic fight against the zombie plague. You should have stood in the middle of Tiananmen Square and shouted "Don't run me over bro!" Anyway, I am trying to be good for the substitute. She is nice, but I am probably going to get detintion, because my brain is working against me, IT IS HINDERING MY PRODUCTIVITY!!! My kamono prints are horrible and I want to use a hammer for my next project, please reply or epic destruction will be in the midst.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and sticks and stones may break some bones, but words will not hurt me, or something along that line. All in all, things are going well, regardless of whether or not I am Miss Popularity.
Aren't the schools there interesting?
Can't wait to

Anonymous said...

Sigh! From what I've gathered there aren't too many cute chinese boys.....but thanks for the pictures! Is the weather comfortable there? You seem to be dressing like it is.
~ Lydia

Anonymous said...

The pics are great!! Enjoy, have fun, and stay safe.