Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Remember to KEE LEF

I used to think that our cousins the Brits were the only ones who drove on the "wrong" side of the road. But three years ago I realized that the UK wasn't the only island nation to do so. Japan also drives on the left, which is completely understandable since they read backwards as well. ;-) But now I can add the Bahamas to that illustrious list of left-hand-right road warriors. Ali, we could seriously use your skills anytime we go out. (And you wouldn't even have to worry about getting pulled over for a burned-out tail light. I don't think anyone here cares.) Zach is the only one brave enough to drive the predator van, and my mother occasionally yells from the 4th row backseat, "You're on the wrong side of the road, hon!" when he occasionally drifts right. Who needs a sign when you have Ella?

Check out our sweet ride. --->

Imagine cruzin' the island in that beaut. Just so you can get the full mental picture, this is what you would look like from behind, wind in your hair (because there is no A/C) and interior ceiling fabric flapping in the cool island breeze:

Or perhaps you prefer the backseat:

Or, if you visit one of the outlying cays, cars are passe. Instead, here is what you get:

Even Bea was itching to drive it. Although we need to teach her to keep her eyes on the road.

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