Sunday, October 19, 2008

China Catch Up

I haven't posted to the blog in a few days, and there is so much to catch everyone up on... at least all the adults reading. If the kids are actually reading this, they aren't posting!

Environmental Issues
Mrs. Long asked me to check into the environmental issues of each of the areas. Well, now that I am out of China, I am a little more uninhibited about what I can say. I think Beijing would make a fascinating environmental study- the effect of the recent Olympics on the environment. I got the real impression that China didn't want to loose face during the 2008 Olympic Games. They underwent massive changes in their intrastructure. I believe that before the Olympics there were 2 highways that ran through Beijing. Now there are 8. (Don't quote my exact numbers, but you get the general idea). They converted all their buses from diesel to natural gas. They planted "green spaces" all over the city, and while we were there we witnessed them digging up those green spaces. (Such as in Tienemin Square).

If you look closely at this photo you will see that all the trees are in plastic buckets, like when you first buy them from the nursery. (If you don’t see what I am talking about, look closely behind the couple who are getting their picture taken under the huge portrait of Mao. Remember, if you click on the photo, you can enlarge it.) What I didn’t get to show you, but really wish I had, was a photo of the guards and the workers who were digging the trees up out of the ground and loading them onto a waiting flatbed truck. As they lifted the trees out of the ground, they still had the brown burlap wrapped around their root balls. It was obvious they never intended to keep the trees there. It was all show for the Olympics. During the Games, the farmers in the surrounding area went through an extreme drought because they were diverting all the water into Beijing. If there is one thing this country can’t afford to loose it's a crop of food.

Beijing has taken some other measures to become more eco-friendly. They instituted a traffic law that only allows you to drive 4 out of the 5 days of the working week. It’s all according to the last digit of your social security number. On your “off” driving day, you are encouraged to share a ride, use the subway, bus, bike, or walk. It’s not hard in this city, since you have all forms of public transportation available. Bikes share the road equally with cars. In some places they have their own full-sized (or over-sized, even) lanes. In other places bikes and cars and trucks coexist in the same lanes and intersections and traffic jams. So the problem isn’t that there aren’t ample and economical options available for transportation other than cars. The problem is the sheer number of people. I’ve seen hundreds, nay, thousands of bikes and scooters since I have been in China. They are everywhere, parked crammed into any and every available space. They litter the sidewalks. And, in all reality, they don’t use them to be green- like, say, the residents of Portland, Oregon or similar. No. They use them because that’s what they can afford.

I would take this opportunity to talk about the price of gas in China, but I haven’t seen a gas station with Western numbers on the sign, yet.

But since we are talking about pollution, the environment, and the Olympics, let me post an interesting photo. Witness the Bird’s Nest on a typical Beijing Friday:
---OK, so I wrote this and went back to insert the photos, and I realized I couldn’t get them off my camera. I have an 8-minute video of the Chattanooga teachers eating seahorses on a stick in the market and a 45-minute video of a lecture by a famous Beijing calligrapher (the same one who painted the Olympics characters). For whatever reason, my camera doesn’t want to let go of the videos and the pictures that came after them…--- I will upload my horrible photo of the Bird's Nest later. It's so hazy, you can barely see it in the distance.

I don’t want anyone to really get the impression that I am dogging China too much. The truth is, they are a wonderfully rich culture full of interesting (and very nice) people. But they certainly do have their problems. The environment (despite their efforts- or the appearance of) is one of them.

Speaking of rick and interesting culture, let me post a few nice photos before I go to bed. These came from a hudong- a traditional Chinese neighborhood.

Tomorrow we go to visit a Japanese middle school and a high school. When I get back to the room tomorrow, I will try to report back on man purses, fashion, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the temple of Heaven, the list goes on and on!

Good night for now!


A. Davis said...

Hey Abby, can you check your school email account? I sent you an important email.

Scooter Dad said...

Your comment regarding the bushes in pots was interesting. Romulus is doing fine. He follows mom everywhere. Dave mowed your lawn last week. Looking forward to seeing you and Sean next week. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Anonymous said...

Abs - Guess I shouldn't complain about raking leaves - at least we have the trees to produce them. China sounds intriguing but far too many people in too little space for me. Looking forward to your comments about this half of the trip. Hope you find some appealing foods to eat. All is well at this end. Anxious for your safe return. MOM

Anonymous said...

So glad to see your blog today. I was getting very concerned about you, to the point that I was going to call your mom to see what was wrong, but I can certainly relate to your just not having time to get around to blogging.
Enjoy Japan, I loved it!

Tyler said...

So, I've been keeping up with your blog but I figured I'd finally post a comment.

First of all, I love the pictures. (the Great Wall picture is now my background) China sounds pretty exciting, and I'm sure Japan will be too. Maybe it'll be even better since it will be in more of a normal state.

Also, the purses and hair on the guys is pretty funny. I'd love to have one of those messenger bags (but not a pink one)

Oh, and my Mom thought the pictures of the food were gross. haha

Anonymous said...


I never really thought about how the Olympics affects the environment.
I suppose everything does, or at least can, in ways.
I know you say China has a lot of problems with the environment, and I guess that we all do.
I wish more people cared enough to stop it.

I love all the pictures! Your trip sounds super exciting!!!:D

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Mathews (Sucks that I don't have a nickname for you like the teachers do. D:),

It isn't very cool that China went all wonky after the Olympics. It's kinda sad, actually. Poor little farmers...

Anyway, I think it's cute that some of the men carry their girlfriend's purses. I don't think that would happen 'round here, though. Sad.

Don't you wish the students here were as well behaved as the ones in China? I do, sometimes. But the uniforms were hideous. Seriously.

Wellll, have fun in Japan. And take some pictures if you see any Lolitas or J-Rockers running around the streets. (If you don't know what those are, you should look 'em up. They're two styles of fashion in Japan. :])

Can't wait for you to update again.


Anonymous said...

mrs. lamb... we are so freakin bored. the sub doesnt like for us to talk at all and its killing me. its ruining my whole day.if i dont have a good morning then i have a bad rest of the day...

i read about the guys digging up the trees...yeah they sound like idiots to me for doin that. what are they tryin to hide anyway??? is it godzilla? anyway this is the third time ive posted on your blog...

i went to a campfire this weekend with my cousins church right. guess who just decided to show up?


he was playing with the fire like an idiot...

yeah he ended up catching the grass around the fire on fire and then the retard didnt say anything and just watched it blaze up!

then i told everyone that it was on fire (i had to tell them. they were adults and of course werent paying attention to rob... big mistake).

the computers here are so slow... thats why i commented you on my computer at home

come back safely...

-hunter haney (zombie hunter)

Anonymous said...

what up g...maybe we should plant some trees to. N did u eat any of those horse on a stick lol!!! You should ride ur bike one day a week to skool! But anyways get some cool hot chicks jk..but 4 real lol (>_<)

Anonymous said...

Beijing Olympics= Ahhhhhh, ish Gohzirra!

You rike the environment? We no rike environment.

Anonymous said...

well i would leave you a longer comment but my computer is being stupid and it's really making me mad and I'm sitting beside Harry and you know how that goes.. well I'll leave more later in the week.

Anonymous said...

I guess the is no Smokey the Bear or Smokey Bear or I will set that explitive deleated bear on fire with a flamethrower! Anywho, did you see anyone wearing a surgical mask or of the specific items of that usage. Somebody said Manbags I blame Joe Oltz an evil influence on me and society in general. I hope you are enjoying your trip, and if I somehow let you down, let me just state a preumptive apology an I did not mean to do what I did, I know that I did it and I am at falt, but I am trully sorry. The substitute is fine and dandy and the movie I watched from the Ghosthouse Underground Collection talks about a substitute being an alien, wierd movie... I also watched a movie from the collection (Dance Of The Dead)about a group of teenagers trying to save a Prom Dance from the zombie scurge, they ultimatly failed in their mission but the coach seem to follow the zombie doctrine. I don't agree with the Southern Flag, anyway so goes the zombie killing, preperation, anticipation, and planning. Have fun, nice blogs, evil zombies, SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE!!!

Anonymous said...

The fall break went by fast. Thought about you. Thanks for the surprise :)
Do they have art teachers? Oh, which is it Chines write symmetrical and Japanese is asymmetrical? I couldn't remember.
I read somewhere that the environment was a real problem in china and that companies are not regulated like they should be, is that true?
Miss ya,Kell

Gwyn said...

It sounds like you are having an awesome time! I'm so jealous!! Enjoy Japan and anywhere else you go.

space said...

Great to hear from you today...we all had a Fall Break...but I checked on you anyway and was a little worried, I have to admit, but TOTALLY understand being too busy...story of my life! I had a friend who was in China last year and they talked about the "show" that China was going to put on for the world and how it wasn't the "real" China with the smog and lack of "greenery"! But I guess all the countries that put on the Olympics want to put on a "good face" for the world.We all do a horse a pony show when we know we're being watched! I can't wait to see the difference between Japan schools and China schools...and then how different that they are to us! We're so lazy!
Hopefully you can find more to eat in Japan!