Sunday, October 12, 2008

Journey to Shanghai

Good morning! Although, I think it's really 6:25 p.m. where you guys are. It's morning here (we are 12 hours different), and I figured I would start my day before the alarm goes off. We are leaving at 8:45 to take a city tour and then go to a museum before visiting an old fishing village in the afternoon.

Getting here was interesting. If you include take off and landing, having to disembark the plane, etc... I think we were on the airplane for a little over 17 hours. The flight attendent told us that this is the second longest flight they make- second only to Bombay or someplace like that. They didn't have vegetarian meals, so I was pretty hungry when I got off the plane. There are only so many goldfish crackers you can eat... But I can't complain. I REALLY lucked out- I was in seat 45F, which was in the first row of a new section and I had LOTS of leg room. I sat next to Chuck, who teaches Enlish at Notre Dame. At one point, two of the other Chattanooga teachers came and sat cross-legged in our "leg space" and we had a little party. I watched 4 or 5 movies, a few TV shows, and listened to ABBA on the in-flight entertainment. I didn't have a window seat, but did get up and peek out of someone else's window to see the cracks in the ice over the Artic. All in all, it wasn't too bad.

We hit the ground running. After customs and picking up our baggage, we road the mag lift to Pudong- the newer section of Shanghai. I took a video out the window, but don't know how to upload it here. Anybody know? Post a comment and tell me if you do!!

When we arrived in Pudong, we went to the Pearl, which was a TV and observation tower. It included a wax museum- which would have been really interesting if I hadn't have been sooooooo tired. After that, we all tried not to fall asleep at dinner. We went to some crazy floating restraunt which was lit up like a giant fish with different color scales. Let me see if I can upload a picture of the fish they served (head and all) at dinner. Again, nothing s vegetarian would eat, so I just picked the veggies out of what they put in front of me!


thegreatschism said...

Tell me you ate the fish eyes! We can pretend they are vegetables!

Rachael Dooley

A. Davis said...

I am already thinking I would starve on a trip like that! You need to put the video on youTube, then you can upload and embed it into your blogspot. How to put a video on youTube? I have no idea...

Abby Mathews said...

Dude, I can't do the YouTube thing either... maybe someone on this trip who is cooler than me can show me! And, no, Mrs. Dooley, I didn't eat the fish eyes!! Do they do that here?!?!

A. Davis said...

Why is Gumby in the pic?

Anonymous said...

I wondering the same thing. "GUMBY" :)How funny

Anonymous said...

Poor Ms. Lamb (Mathews)...
Do they have much vegetarian food over there? Honestly, I probably would've died of starvation by now. So kudos to you.


Anonymous said...

gumby welcomes you to china!?

i'm so jealous.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mrs. Matthew this Veneacia. The pictures I saw on your blogs seem you are enjoying youself quite well. Except the food, that u talked about. lol I think u will have to pack your own lunch for now,Because I would. I think i would have a bag full of food while traveling. Well got to go. Enjoy your *NASTY food.