Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rules for Shopping

This morning we headed out to an old “restored” fishing village just outside of Shanghai. Tongli was not exactly what I had anticipated. I thought it would be sort of like Williamsburg- people in period costumes reenacting an old way of life in the name of preservation. Instead, it turned out to be more like Gatlinburg- a beautiful setting with lots of potential and lots of crap for sale. Don’t get me wrong. I bought my fair share of crap this morning while wandering through town. But I didn’t like how you were bombarded by shop people calling out, “Hello! Hello! You like? Hello!” It got a little old if you were just in the mood to window shop. It also reminded me a little of “Welcome to Moe’s!”

Rule No. 1: It is the custom here to bargain for prices. Our tour leaders said to offer the store keepers 10% of what they were asking. I have a hard time doing that. Yesterday, a lady offered me two terracotta figurines for 50 yuan. I offered her 30 yuan (which is way more than 10%). She laughed in my face, and said, “No, lady. I offer you best price I got.” Like a fool, and afraid I had insulted her, I forked over the 50 yuan (which is equalivent to like $7). Today Mrs. Brock and I found the same stinking figurines for 5 yuan a piece! When the woman told us the price, I got mad, didn’t say anything, and walked away. She followed us shouting, “No good? I give you cheap! 3 yuan! 3 yuan!” So, that’s the secret. No matter how interested you are in whatever the wares may be, you walk away. Fear of missing a sale will cause them to follow you. And if they don’t, there is another vendor just around the corner selling the EXACT same thing who is willing to offer you a better price.

Rule No. 2: You have to be careful. A better price doesn’t necessarily mean that you got a good deal. I’m still learning how to negotiate in the markets here (and can’t wait to get to Japan where you don’t have to bargain!). Today I walked into a shop where the man carved some sort of nut into beads shaped like Buddha heads and made them into bracelets. I absolutely loved them. I asked him how much, and (not speaking English) he pulled out his calculator and typed in “680” meaning it cost 680 yuan. That’s like $115, so of course I said, “Boo ya,” which means “don’t want.” (Boo ya isn’t spelled “boo ya,” by the way. That’s just how I remember how to say it.) The next store I went in had the same beads. The man who ran the shop and I went back and forth until we agreed on the price of 215 yuan, which is like $35. Much better price! When I got to lunch, I realized they were plastic. I was so caught up in the moment, excited that I was bargaining, that I didn’t pay attention to the quality of what I was buying. Buyer beware.

On a different shopping front, we flew to Beijing today. Out hotel is just off Tiananmen Square and adjacent to a huge pedestrian mall. Right on the corner, just outside our hotel door, is a McDonalds. Yeeeessssss!!!! I had not eaten much since my potatoes and spaghetti for breakfast- yes, spaghetti, don’t ask- so I was starving. I ate two large fries and a chocolate milkshake for dinner. It was heaven!

Then a few of us went walking through the shops.

Rule No. 3: Always carry your man bag. It truly is a cultural phenomenon here! And I got confirmation that they are not just carrying their girlfriends’ purses. I saw several groups of all guys, and many of them had very feminine looking man purses. Granted, many of them also had small versions of the messenger bag, but I did spy several pink leather knock-off purses as well. Let’s play I Spy, shall we? Let’s see if you can spot the man bags in the pictures below:

Here are a few more pictures from today:


space said...

Ok...so have you never been to Mexico? I had a man follow me to my bus trying to get me to purchase something from him!! Seems like some things are the same in an "open" market world..where bartering is the name of the game!
This Man Purse thing is very interesting...not sure if I'd like Terry to carry a purse bigger than mine!!? Course it would be easier on my back if he carried everything for the family instead of me!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought Mom taught you about bargans. Never telegraph your wants to a merchant. Allways offer less and pay little.
Scooter Dad

Anonymous said...

Abs- will be interested to see all the "crap" when you get home. Hopefully there will be a few treasures among the plastic, etc. It all sounds exciting and I imagine those vendors have had more market experience than you!!! Glad you found sustanance - even in the form of McDonalds! MOM

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs.Mathews!!

Holy crap! Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! Haha, I hate when store keepers try to rip people off. It's so annoying. I'd probably be afraid to buy anything there!! :D

I read all of your other blogs, and the pictures of the food look REALLY good. I'm glad that you are having a really good time!

Oh yeah, and the part about the man purses was really funny. HA HA HA!

I can't wait until you get back!! Stay safe! :)

Anonymous said...

hey miss lamb. the pics are great , this sub is really trippin tho but its all good i kno u have to been havin so much fun over there , well i hope u have a awesome time!! see u when u get back!!!_ jared gibson, 1st per.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mrs. Mathews,

So, I'm thinking that I wouldn't be able to remember all of the shopping rules. I'd end up with the worse price available with my luck... I'd be so worried about that I wouldn't shop at all! :]

But the man bag thing sounds really, really funny. ...And useful, actually.

Anyway, I read all the other blogs, but I don't have the patient to comment them all. Yeah, I'm lazy. Whatever. The food looks really good. The scenery's really pretty too.

Can't wait 'til you get back. Take care and have fun!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

hey mrs.mathews,
you sound like you're having an awesome time! Even though the man purse thing is weird, its really funny. Can't wait to hear more!

Anonymous said...

those pictures are awesome!
it looks beautiful.
you should have taken me with you.
i can't wait until you get back.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've had a ton of fun so far in the land of short people. Just wondering, but are you as tall as an average person there or taller.. Just wondering.
Anywho the man purse thing reminds me of an episode of friends and I think it is a little strange.

Anonymous said...

china looks absolutely amazing. jealous about the buddhist temple. i've always wanted to go just for the heck of it. also. the food. creepy. i cant say i blame you for not eating the "bloomin fish". stay with the gold fish. i think next time someone gives you an outrageous(sp?) offer you should just flip out and start yelling. see what they would do. and i'm seriously missing you in clevegas. its either talking or radio in first period. and apparently we're the worst class too. sooo... anywho. man purses. we had an equidorian exchange student in little rock and he carried a murse. not a cute as what a girl might carry but it was still a murse. you should ask andy about him, of corse i'm sure he's already told you about her. i meant him. haha. anywho. i miss you and i hope youre having LOADS of fun. i cant wait for your stories.
